Amit-Normal Condensed Regular

Amit-Normal Condensed Regular is a Regular TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 56333 times. 64 users have given the font a rating of 3.41 out of 5. You can find more information about Amit-Normal Condensed Regular and it's character map in the sections below. Please verify that you're a human to download the font for free.

Preview of Amit-Normal Condensed Regular
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Amit-Normal Condensed Regular is a really fun script font originally intended for literature. It can even be used as a body typeface because of its natural letter width and weight. It has a very unique look and tends to be legible even at smaller sizes. We suggest keeping it above 12-14 pixels for higher readability. Normal Condensed font is designed for free use on the web and editorial materials.This font is comatible with microsft word document, powerpoint presentation designs and templates and excel dashboads and reports as well.

Download this font with high quality. Download this number one font we choose whenever we want to add more character to the site design while maintaining a clear and readable style.

Font Information

Font Name Amit-Normal Condensed Regular
Font Style Regular
Font Type TrueType
Font Embedding Installable
Font Tags Amit-Normal,Condensed,Regular
Number of Glyphs None
Font File Size 41.1 KB
Total Downloads 56333
Font Rating ★★★★★

Character Map

Character Map of Amit-Normal Condensed Regular

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